Passive Gardening Smart System (PGSS) - Just Set, Forget and Harvest

Passive Gardening Smart System (PGSS) - Just Set, Forget and Harvest


Passive Garden Smart System

Our project is based on sustainability topics where students can choose from using SAP Business Technology Platform and its services and SAP Analytics Cloud.

We decided to work on Smart farming (food security and sustainability).

Our Problem Statement: How might we enable households to grow edibles effectively and sustainably to diversify their food sources so that Singaporeans can have a more resilient food future?

Our team embarked on a journey to develop an innovative enterprise business solution leveraging the power of SAP Business Technology Platform, Kyma, Arduino IOT, and our vision for a self-sustainable passive gardening system. By integrating these cutting-edge technologies, we aimed to revolutionize the way gardening is done by enabling individuals and businesses to effortlessly cultivate plants while minimizing manual labor and environmental impact.

With SAP Business Technology Platform’s robust infrastructure and Kyma’s flexible microservices, we could seamlessly connect and manage data across various devices and applications. Incorporating Arduino IOT allowed us to create an intelligent and interconnected network of sensors, actuators, and controllers, ensuring optimal growth conditions for plants. Our self-sustainable passive gardening system not only promises ease of use and efficient resource management but also contributes to a greener and healthier environment.

Pain Points / Persona :

Some fun storyboarding to better understand our project rationale:

Our Smart Gardening Architecture:

I was in charge of dealing with an affordable live-streaming solution to track plant’s health:

Hardware Required through my research:

ESP32-CAM (Newer)

Product Link

Price: $6.45 – Saves on its temporary flash memory

Resources on hand:

  • Arduino code to send photo/video stream across via MQTT

Pros: Super less wire connections as compared to OV7670(Below), saves photo in SPIFFS instead. A web server for displaying the live photo, with the ability to rotate, refresh and capture photo.

Arduino Camera OV7670

Product Link

Price: $3.73/piece - Has the ability to copy .bmp file to SD Card

Resources on hand:

  1. OV7670 BMP MQTT Arduino Code
  2. Required Libraries for MQTT

To prevent choppiness, 160 x 120 Resolution seems to be the best to relay the images/video over across via the ESP32 module (Have to check if Arduino Opla uses this WIFI Module)

There is an alternative of using 320x240 if using only solely for image refreshing.

Demo Video:

Project Review:

Feasibility, Viability & Risk

Feasibility - Our group believes a POC that contains the essential functions is moderately feasible. The ability to collect data, and automate certain tasks will be achievable. However, a comprehensive system that utilized deep technology is not as feasible as it may be too resource-intensive for now. Further, it will require a longer time frame that is not suitable for our project.

Viability - Through our research, our group believes that the viability of our solution is high. There is an increasing demand and a trend for sustainable living and smart homes. The ease of use and concept of passive gardening is ideal for Singaporeans who are in the top 3 overworked population in the world.

Risk - The risk of a product being too expensive due to the various technologies involved may result in the cost outweighing the benefits. Furthermore, the increased cost will further expand the gap between the cheaper, traditional gardening methods.

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